Tourism product development and product diversification in destinations / Abdelati M. Benur, Bill Bramwell
COTA(S): RE-1193
Political economy and the emergence of a hybrid mode of governance of tourism planning / Yim King Penny Wan, Bill Bramwell
Theoretical activity in sustainable tourism research / Bill Bramwell
COTA(S): RE-1253
Dependency and agency in peripheral tourism development / Samantha Chaperon, Bill Bramwell
A strategic-relational approach to tourism policy / Pantazis Pastras, Bill Bramwell
Heritage protection and tourism development priorities in Hangzhou, China: A political economy and governance perspective / Yi Wang, Bill Bramwell
Stage and path dependence approaches to the evolution of a national park tourism partnership / Bill Bramwell, Vicky Cox
COTA(S): RE-926
Coastal mass tourism: diversification and sustainable development in Southern Europe / Bill Bramwell
COTA(S): 10145; 10145.a
Journal of Sustainable Tourism / Bill Bramwell and Bernard Lane
Interpretation and sustainable tourism : the potential and the pitfalls / Bill Bramwell, Bernard Lane