Le nouvel état touristique - dix-huit leçons sur la société du loisir et du voyage / Organisation Mondiale du Tourisme
COTA(S): 12403
Turismo de base comunitária: diversidade de olhares e experências brasileiras / Roberto Bartholo, Davis Gruber Sansolo e Ivan Bursztyn
COTA(S): 12412; 12412.a
Nouvelles mobilités touristiques / Dir. Claudine Chaspoul
COTA(S): RE-411
Collaboration theory and tourism practice in protected areas: stakeholders, structuring and sustainability / Tazim Jamal, Amanda Stronza
COTA(S): RE-926
Evaluating the net effects of ecotourism on the environment: a framework, first assessment and future research / Ralf Buckley
Eco-tourism and luxury - the case of AI Maha, Dubai / Chris Ryan, Morag Stewart
Visitor perceptions of the role of tour guides in natural areas / Carleigh Randall, Rick B. Rollins
Tourism on organic farms in South Korea: a new form of ecotourism? / Hyungsuk Choo, Tazim Jamal
An evaluation of priorities for beach tourism: case studies from South Wales, UK / M. R. Philips, C. House
COTA(S): RE-1193
Birding festivals, sustainability, and ecotourism : An ambiguous relationship / Laura J. Lawton
COTA(S): RE-111
Universal tenets or diametrical differences? An analysis of ecotourism definitions from China and abroad / Holly M. Donohoe, Xiaoli Lu
COTA(S): RE-1610
Turismo Étnico: Um nicho de mercado temático? / Carminda Cavaco
COTA(S): 14470