Sustainable Surfing / Routledge
COTA(S): 19898
Networking and learning for tourism innovation: evidence from the Western Cape / Irma Booyens and Christian M. Rogerson
COTA(S): RE-1775
Collage creation: unexplored potential in tourism research / Anna Pavesi, Basak Denizci Guillet and Rob Law
COTA(S): RE-1562
Inovação no turismo: a importância do empreendedorismo / Sérgio Guerreiro
COTA(S): RP-1275
Vila Galé Sintra Resort Hotel, Conference & Revival Spa. Conceito inovador na área da saúde e bem-estar / Carolina Morgado
COTA(S): RP-1385
The future of consumer society : Prospects for sustainability in the New Economy / Maurie J. Cohen
COTA(S): 19942
Open Tourism : Open Innovation, Crowdsourcing and Co-Creation Challenging the Tourism Industry
COTA(S): 19937
Network, knowledge and relationship impacts on innovation in tourism destinations / Florian J. Zach and T. L. Hill
COTA(S): RE-1193
Restauration et tourisme / François Blouin [et al.]
Design Science in Tourism : Foundations of Destination Management
COTA(S): 19938
The 21st century meeting and event technologies : powerful tools for better planning marketing and evaluation / Seungwon Lee
COTA(S): 19949
Innovation implementation: Harmony and conflict in Chinese modern music festivals / Yanning Li, E. H. Wood and R. Thomas