Evaluation nudge: effect of evaluation mode of online customer reviews on consumers' preferences / Huimin Tan [et al.]
Impacts of festivals and events on residents' well-being / Medet Yolal [et al.]
Political trust and residents' support for alternative and mass tourism: an improved structural model / Robin Nunkoo and Dogan Gursoy
Preferences regarding external information sources: a conjoint analysis of visitors to Sardinia, Italy / Dogan Gursoy, Giacomo Del Chiappa and Yi Zhang
Role of trust, emotions and event attachment on residents' attitudes toward tourism / Zhe Ouyang, Dogan Gursoy and Bishnu Sharma
Residents' support for red tourism in China: the moderating effect of central government / Bing Zuo, Dogan Gursoy and Geoffrey Wall
Development and validation of a destination personality scale for mainland Chinese travelers / Li Pan [et al.]
Antecedents and outcomes of consumers' confusion in the online tourism domain / Allan Cheng Chieh Lu, Dogan Gursoy, Carol Yi Rong Lu
Impact of culture on perceptions of landscape names / Chaozhi Zhang [et al.]
Imperialism and tourism: The case of developing island countries / Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh, Dogan Gursoy
Tacit knowledge spillover and sustainability in destination development / Chaozhi Zhang [et al.]
The importance of water management in hotels: a framework for sustainability through innovation / Azilah Kasim [et al.]