Tecnologia e sustentabilidade são as grandes tendências / José Luís Arnaut
UALGZINE- A local contribution to global development / Paulo Águas [et al.]
Turismo no centro de Portugal : potencialidades e tendências / Antónia Correia e Pedro Barbas Homem (coord.)
Tourism and the environment : Towards a reporting mechanism in Europe / ETC/ULS
Impacts of recreational diving on hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) behaviour in a marine protected area / Christian T. Hayes [et al.]
Measuring and managing the environmental impact of festivals: the contribution of the Ecological Footprint / Andrea Collins and Crispin Cooper
A field takes stock: papers from the 8th International Congress on Coastal and Marine Tourism / Marc L. Miller [et al.]
Scuba diving tourism impacts and environmental influences on the patrolling behavior of grey nurse sharks (Carcharias Taurus): a preliminary assessment using acoustic telemetry at fish rock, Australia / Kirby R. Smith, Carol Scarpaci, Nicholas M. Otway
A review of the IPCC Fifth Assessment and implications for tourism sector climate resilience and decarbonization / Daniel Scott, C. Michael Hall and Stefan Gössling
Managing whale-watching as a non-lethal consumptive activity / James E. S. Higham [et al.]
Corporate social responsibility reporting in the cruise tourism industry: a performance evaluation using a new institutional theory based model / Danuta de Grosbois
Driving pro-environmental change in tourist destinations: encouraging sustainable travel in National Parks via partnership project creation and implementation / Davina Stanford and Jo Guiver