Zoning in national parks: are Canadian zoning practices outdated? / Amy K. Thede, Wolfgang Haider, Murray B. Rutherford
COTA(S): RE-926
Governing conservation tourism partnerships in Kenya / Machiel Lamers [et al.]
COTA(S): RE-1253
Protected Areas in an era of global–local change / Susanne Becken, Hubert Job
Protected areas, conservation and tourism – financing the sustainable dream / Paul Anthony Whitelaw, Brian E.M. King, Denis Tolkach
Monitoring visitors to natural areas in wintertime: issues in counter accuracy / Oddgeir Andersen [et al.]
Tourist towns on the edge: conceptualising vulnerability and resilience in a protected area tourism system / Stephen Espiner, Susanne Becken
Attaining harmony: understanding the relationship between ecotourism and protected areas in China / Honggang Xu [et al.]
Tourism conservation enterprises as a land-use strategy in Kenya / Machiel Lamers [et al.]
COTA(S): RE-1775
The experiences of summer visitors to cape rodney-okakari point (Goat Island) marine reserve, Auckland Zealand / Sharon M. Race, Mark B. Orams
COTA(S): RE-1830
Environmental orientations and environmental behaviour: Perceptions of protected area tourism stakeholders / Sophia Imran, Khorshed Alam, Narelle Beaumont
COTA(S): RE-1193